HyperDic: lefa

Español > 1 sentido de la palabra lefa:
NOMBREbodylefa, corrida, esperma, leche, líquido seminal, sementhe thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital tract
Español > lefa: 1 sentido > nombre 1, body
SentidoThe thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital tract.
Sinónimoscorrida, esperma, leche, líquido seminal, semen
Partesesperma, espermatozoide, espermatozooThe male reproductive cell
Específicolechaseminal fluid produced by male fish
Generalfluido corporal, humorThe liquid parts of the body
Ingléssemen, seed, seminal fluid, ejaculate, cum, come
Catalánescorreguda, esperma, llet, semen
Adjetivoseminalpertaining to or containing or consisting of semen
seminifera, seminiferobearing or producing seed or semen
VerboseyacularEject semen
fecundar, fertilizar, inseminarintroduce semen into (a female)

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